Friday, March 20, 2020


Today was a rough day! Every goodbye was hard... I hugged the kids a little more and some of my parents even got a hug... I know I know 6 foot bubble... it's hard when you are a hugger and life as we know it seems to be on hold right now... I hope with everything in me that 2 weeks is the magic number... in 2 weeks things will be normal again. In 2 weeks I get to play with my favorite tiny humans again. In 2 weeks toliet paper will be plentiful, and grocery pickup will be up and running again. In 2 weeks we can go out to eat, go to a movie, have coffee with a friend... my fear is that 2 weeks is not enough time. So, for now we have so many questions and so few answers. For now let's just enjoy the time we have with our families, cook together, play together, put the phones down and slow down and just be in the moment... we will get through this!!
Thank you to my amazing PLA family for everything... being understanding, bringing in special treats, gifts, words of encouragement, and even the hugs we aren't supposed to be doing right now. I love you all and I can't wait for life to be "normal" again ❤💔❤


Today, I am wondering why we are still open... I asked Miss Chelsea to come play with us, because we need more kids! The good news is Miss Vicki gets to stay home!! The bad news tomorrow will be our last day until ?? Hopefully April 6th, but honestly right now I have more questions than answers...


School is closed, because of this scary virus and my numbers have dropped significantly... we made the most of our day! We did free choice for table time and that usually means play dough and paint! Our VIP shared her poster and some of her favorite things!